link-box / link-tiles

link-box / link-tiles

The “link box” is used to present an overview of pages. You can add as many boxes to the block-element as you want and they will be automagically arranged.

A common usage-scenario of this element would be showing easy to recognize links to one or many sub-pages of the current page.




You can add as many boxes as you want by selecting the drop-down on top of each element.

Select the desired amount of new elements and then click the “plus”-icon to add them after the current element.


You can change the background-color of the link-boxes between grey and blue.

The desired color-usage is as follows:

grey background

Use a grey background for navigation-elements within the “about us” section.

blue background

Use a blue background for boxes giving an overview of services / offerings.


The color-change always affects all elements of the selected content-block.


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