

how to add a new job

For the time being, jobs must be uploaded manually. A frontend upload for organizations will be available shortly. Please make sure to copy the PDF text into a text edit program before copying the needed information to PIMCORE.

  1. Go to the module “data objects

  2. Chose the country-specific structure (e.g. enableme.ke)

  3. Navigate to the folder “jobs

  4. Fill out by copying the document from the organization into the required tabs (required fields are marked with a red asterisk * )

    1. Info

      1. Title: title of the job (e.g. Project Manager, 80%)

      2. Lead: usually short introduction of the organization, everything before the actual job tasks and requirements)

      3. Description: job tasks & requirements

    2. Meta

      1. Validity: valid through start date date when the job advert will go online | Validity period: 30d or 60d how long the advert will be displayed online

      2. Workload: min required work percentage of the job

      3. Commencement: immediately job is available right now | by arrangement date to be determined (pwd with organization | commencement by date insert commencement date

      4. Labor market: Labor market 1 | Labor market 2 (will be updated shortly: Apprenticeship)

      5. Sector: chose the organization sector

      6. Region: chose the job region

      7. Type of employment: chose the right fit

      8. Salary: not required, but can be inserted if it’s on the document

    3. Address

      1. the geo-information will be automatically fetched according to the entered address

    4. Company

      1. TO-DO: add hint for optimal logo-presentation

    5. Contact

      1. Copy-paste the contact from the document all incoming applications for this job will be sent to the e-mail adress in this tab

    6. API

    7. SEO


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