How to create articles (2024)

How to create articles (2024)

A sub article is an article that links to a lead article and is often found behind a lead article - see screenshot below:

There are different types of sub articles that can be created in Pimcore, below are the top 3: 

1. First decide is the article a disability or topic article; All sub articles should be filed under the ‘article folder’

2. Find the correct folder that this article should be filed under, if there is no folder then create a folder - e.g. Articles → Topics → Education

3. Then create the sub article under this folder by following the below steps: 

  • Right click on the folder

  • Select add object

  • Select article folder

  • Click ‘’Information’’ or ‘’Interview’’ or ‘’Listicle’’

4. Enter the name of the new sub-article and click ‘’ok’’

5. The follow the exact same steps as stated above under lead articles


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