Storyboard general video welcome EN

Storyboard general video welcome EN

  1. Welcome to the EnMeCo: your online forum around disabilities, chronic illness and mental challenges. Here you can ask a question to a supportive community of peers, you can answer

  2. Structure:

    1. Once you have registered you see the home page

    2. From the upper right corner - edit profile options → show where to change the picture and information from

3. Back to homepage: click on the EnMe logo upper left

4. Explain 3 boxes: 1) materials for new members, links with our experts, 2) monthly topics, 3) selection of the editorial team.

5. Categories logic - main page, right

a. Feedback

b. Disability types across type of disability

c. Living themes, such as Work and Legal questions

5. Ask a question / start a discussion → someone replies → click answered

6. Comment on a questionY

7. Send a message privately

8. Send a message privately and to +1 person

7. our online forum around disabilities and chronic illness.