Super User Best Practices
Ideas for EnableMe:
establish desirable access to exclusive spaces for very active users → e.g. specific group membership? influence on planning events, etc.?
Initial super users, group of Kenya and India super users on forum, Emma coordinates Kenya and are paid by Steve
Concrete tasks for the super users as extended team members: finding X amount of people to join and answering Y amount of questions from the translated ones
offering workshops that you get access to when being a super user → EnableMe specific, trying to make them more competent users and more skilled as individual benefit at the same time
Second degree super users who refer people
competitions with specific prizes? → only temporary but could promote initial involvement and fraction stays
win users through participation
potentially build up for super users to establish categories for winning, be part of jury, etc.?
build competition around activity on the community
India DIY project - invite the top 100 to post by themselves on the forum as part of the competition winning / feel of reach and part of the prize
offering certificates for volunteering → could be combined with competition for limited certificates, would also require a way to actually track individual user participation (and could incentivize quantity over quality)
Relevant for students, once a first level base of super users is present (Kenya)
Then build up a competition / hackathon / question and answer campaign with competitive character on feeding questions and answers onto the forum and provide prizes and for ones interested participation volunteering certificates
Options for later to consider, not optimal for EnableMe
establish rankings, make badges more specific → could potentially be too complicated, especially if we are catering to different disability groups (keeping it simple as preferential)
super user badge/ranking goes along with certain rights and responsibilities?
be transparent about super user ranking and process of selection, availability of roles, etc.
Stage | Strategy | Information Source |
Motivating people to join |
Motivating people to engage |
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Motivating people to stay |
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Motivating people to promote |