

How does our platform work?

How do I register?

Welcome to EnableMe - the online community around disability and chronic illness themes for affected people and their loved ones. In the community you can connect with peers and find answers to your questions about disabilities. Wonder how to join the conversation? There are a few simple steps to take, let’s start with signing up to the forum: Join the community by going to the EnableMe homepage, where you can start the registration.

First, click ‘register’ in the top right corner of the community home page, or on the green register button mid-right on the home page.
Choose and enter your username - you can be creative if you’d like.
Choose and enter your country.
Choose and enter your password. Make sure that you choose a safe password that no one else knows.
Confirm your password by entering it another time. Make sure that it is exactly the same as the one you entered first, be precise about capitalization and punctuation.
At the end of this sign up form, tick the first two boxes to register to agree to the EnableMe Privacy Policy and to the user and community rules.
If you would like to stay signed in on the device that you are registering from, also tick the third box.
Click the register button.

Congratulations! You signed up as a member in the EnableMe Community - welcome aboard! We are excited to have you as a member and cannot wait to see you contribute to our discussions.

How do I edit my user information?

Once you signed up in the community, you might want to edit your profile and user information. You can also do this by starting on the community home page.

Click your profile icon in the top right corner of the community home page.


Then, click on ‘view profile’ in the options that appear under your profile icon.
Once you are on your profile page, click on the blue ‘edit profile’ button.
Click on the white ‘edit profile’ button that opens up underneath the blue ‘edit profile’ button.
You can now edit your username, email, privacy settings, country, …
… you can also edit the hobbies, ‘search for’, ‘offers’, and ‘about me’ sections of your profile. Add what you would like other users to know about you when you post in the forum. It’s nice for other users to get to know you more, and for you to get to know the other community members.
Don’t forget to click the blue ‘save’ button at the bottom of the page when you are done.

You are all done editing your user information now! Thank you for sharing, it’s lovely to get to know you more. See you in the forum!

My first post

Now that you have joined the community, you would probably like to post something - the introduction posts are a great start to do so. When you are on the community start page, you will see a blue ‘Ask a Question’ button on the right side.

Click on the blue ‘Ask a Question’ button to start your post.
You will then be taken to the ‘Ask A Question’ form, for which you first need to choose a category. When choosing your category, choose the option that seems to fit your post or question best. For this first post, we will choose the category ‘Welcome & Introductions’.
Choose a caption that summarizes the content of your post, or if you are asking a specific question, choose your question as the subject. Feel free to share some details about yourself, for example in which town you live, what your age is, what you do and what your interests are.
When you are done writing your post, click on the blue ‘Ask Question’ button to publish the question in the community. If you would like to pause and return to your post later without publishing it, you can click the white ‘Save Draft' button right next to the ‘Ask Question’ button. You can also delete the post by clicking the white ‘Cancel’ button on the very right.
Congratulations, you have just written and published your first post!

When posting more, it makes sense to first look up if someone else has already asked your question. It’s also important to post in the most appropriate category, so that other community members can easily find your posts. We are excited to discuss with you and support each other!

My first comment

If you have found a post or question that you would like to comment on or reply to, this is done easily! Start by opening the post you want to reply to.

If this is the post that you would like to comment on or reply to, all you need to do is scroll further down on the page.
You can type out your comment in the provided box. It is also possible to attach pictures or documents if you would like to do so.
Once you have written out your comment, click the blue ‘Post Comment’ button underneath the box in which you have typed the comment.
When you posted your comment, it should look like this!

Thank you for engaging with our other community members! The more we interact, the more interesting and diverse will our answers and discussions be. We are glad to have you on board. See you in the forum!

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