Global Community Updates

Global Community Updates

2021-10-05: Updates on events

Agenda Point


Resulting Task

Agenda Point


Resulting Task


  • Twitter Event happened, very little time for me to prepare any communication about it, will hear from Faith earlier in advance in the future

  • super users are currently asked to find more super users

  • December event will only be planned when specific staff member returns from vacation, which is next week (so no updates here yet)



  • no one showed in the case clinic to represent Uganda, have not yet replied to my question for an update

  • are working on their barrier analysis mainly

  • assuming that the set up with the Uganda event will be similar to Kenya as they are both working with Light for the World



  • seems to be working well, both local questions and super users in progress (mainly taking from own team and project discovery)

  • for the event they are planning a pre-launch and the prize announcement for project discovery in combination (good way to combine audiences) → over 1000 submissions on projects discovery, so expecting relatively large turnout



  • Event is being prepared, we have two experts, Ilonka Lütjen and Pamela, have not heard from Allianz yet

  • Pascal is posting about the event today, asking for questions to be submitted