Joining EnableMe - Reasons, Motivations

Joining EnableMe - Reasons, Motivations

Knowing the multilayered strengths of EnableMe and identifying the most relevant ones in your community to motivate people to join.

→ check for yourself: What sets EnableMe apart from other common platforms of exchange in my community?

What makes joining EnableMe desirable?

For Users

Communication with persons with disabilities and indirectly affected persons

  • guided and moderated → while communication is open, the tone and topics are checked regularly to be respectful and safe

  • always available → international community and 24/7 possible to post and receive answers

  • eager community → like-minded and interested people to interact with

Pioneering a global network of people with disabilities and allies

  • shape the global online space of discussions and self-help around disability, lead the creation of this community

  • represent your local community on a global scale

  • learn from other communities and their use of the technology offered by EnableMe

Access to resource-collections

  • enduring time → find discussions and topics easily, even after years

  • organized space → browse topics in a structured forum and article archive

  • transcending national boundaries → have access to advice, ideas, etc. from all over the globe

  • expert advice → get advice from experts with specific education or work experience on the topic you are inquiring about

  • connect with organizations → partner organizations of EnableMe have access to the forum, find your questions and answer them; you can reach out and discover organizations that engage with and work for persons with disabilities and their loved ones

For Partner Organizations

Access to growing global community

  • unique platform for broad community → persons with all different kinds of disabilities

  • gaining access to persons with disabilities all over the globe

  • bridge the gap between stakeholders and general community

Tested and effective technology

  • forum structure and interactions based on years of user experience (→ MyHandicap Forum)

  • ‘neutral space’ → independent platform with independent discussions, tips, and thought exchanges

  • knowledge & connection → combination of article archive and community platform


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