Campaigns and publicity - January 2022

Campaigns and publicity - January 2022

Focus on campaigns and publicity for raising awareness for health and culture of people with disabilities and community building.
A space for experience sharing

Jamba, Bulgaria

Run2Gether Awareness Campaign: Sports charity community event (annual since 2018)

Presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qUfpPkjLaToJWPBZbR1MzSDWbosS0Pz-/view?usp=sharing

Campaign itself

  • running in couples (pwd+pwnd) - togetherness is in focus

  • run of a 5km, an opportunity to connect, get out of home and do sth healthy together, while being together and raising awareness

  • Strong communication campaign beforehand and around it; use the event as a focal point for communication campaigns

  • Biggest charity run in Bulgaria - fundraising funds to open the first community center for pwds in Bulgaria

    • Free of charge for pwds, children, elderly people

    • Corporates and runners pay a support package

  • Awareness campaign

    Credits to Jamba, Bulgaria
    • Clear topic and goals of the campaign

      • Field, e.g. sports

      • Aim: awareness & fundraising for a concrete cause (e.g. the community center)

    • Doing something with clear impact - reach as many stakeholders as possible

    • Strategy on how to disseminate the information to all stakeholders, build up the network of stakeholders

    • Right supporters and sponsors: in-kind support (e.g. media outlet, F&B)

    • Community of leaders and ambassadors

      • Influencers pwds from the field (e.g. sports)

      • Successful public figures from the country, well recognized and with a positive public image who stand behind the → active participation in the activities is key

    • Media strategy

      • Tipp: Reach the local ad agency, pitch the project, ask if they are willing to support for free (Benefits for them: CSR, potentially can apply for different awards)

    • Time planning

      • Bare minimum: first year - 2 months, 4 people; more time is recommended and big network to tap-in existed before. Currently: 30 people organisation team.

      • After the blueprint is created, it is easier to replicate and slightly adapt the format accordingl

    • Covid restrictions:

      • What did you do with Covid restrictions? 2020 postponed for 3 months (May to September) - everyone joined along, having a smaller event, it is possible to run virtually, without coming to the big stadium (with an App)


EnableIndia #Mission 1000 started 2018

  • Presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l6RFSL3snFz_WbxHFIfxwL9a8zyCBD6-/view?usp=sharing

  • https://www.enableacademy.org/Mission1000/

  • livelihood with dignity creation

  • Companies start their own campaign to become part of the collective

  • Multiple organizations/ Stakeholders are part of the campaign (25 companies, 25 NGOs, pwds and their families)

  • Set of events and activities: Impact videos, joining events, coffee calls etc.

  • Regular Emailers with updates and celebrating (small) successes (e.g. 1 job interview) across the network

  • Using successful candidates as multipliers, speaking about their successes

  • https://www.linkedin.com/company/mission-1000/

  • Signing Event to begin the campaign

  • Merchandise products (bags) as recognition, posters, badges for achievements etc.

  • Using web banners

EnableMe Switzerland

Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HjoJB_ddtM0L7koDR17PiaP7Eon06qRs/edit#slide=id.g10d57cb3d9a_0_0

  • Campaign to empower others (Together We Grow)

  • Taking up the personal questions of members of the EnableMe CH community

  • Implemented by Board member, photographer and art directress - mostly for free

  • Showing authentic pictures with own questions and experiences

  • Launch Communication

    • Connect media releases to Dec. 3

    • Difficulty to measure campaign success

  • The persons portrayed: any member; the questions are daily questions from the community

  • Continuation

    • Questions from the community are posted on social media on a weekly basis within the same template to foster the connection communication - community

Biggest Learnings & What to keep

  • Most crucial: Building the collective

  • Taking people along all the way of the campaign - communicating the passion, idea, vision from beginning to end - becoming “our” campaign

  • Always work with the network that is close to multiply the effect

  • Having very clear what the campaign is about and communicating this to all

  • Support and people

  • Have enough time to organize!

    • Build up a team around the campaign


Utilizing the platform

What can we do together? How to build up awareness around the platform?

  • Multiply one campaign, or program around the world (e.g. Project Discovery) so that the team comes together. Use one brand to multiply across the world. Optimally have a launch across the world

  • High degree of continuity of the campaigns - start and continue the campaign