User Interaction - July 2021
Focus on interaction between the users and between other organizations
Interaction between users
India: Integrate the disability as a whole, and not focus on one disability type only.
Bulgaria: Difficult to provide as a serious organisation that provides services.
Society is not very informed about the topic of disability and inclusion - doing awareness campaigns and events and creative activities that inform the public and involve more in
User interaction: establish sustainable and long-lasting partnerships with other organisations (NPOs) that serve different communities from.
Word of mouth: the people whom start supporting.
Uganda, India: People with disabilities stay in rural areas, do not have access to smartphones, so need to find a new solution to connect the people.
India: Analog phone setup to connect the community. Use the mobile network and the analogue phone for the idea platform. During COVID-19 a rise from 900 to 1500 calls per day. Need to make the technology very simple and handy.
Education for the technology in rural parts is very low.
Access to technology is very limited in rural areas.
Bulgaria: Stigma and segregation due to lack of infrastructure
Access to internet and devices. Not as reliable in remote
Knowledge about using internet / engage with the technology
Case clinic: from users to users on how to use the technology and the forum
Interaction between organisations