Community Structure EnableMe

Community Structure EnableMe

The EnableMe Community forum structure is similar for all languages. There are three main thematic sections:

  1. Community

  2. Health themes

  3. Living themes

Under each of the sections, you can find the relevant categories for posting your question.

Community blueprint: find the right category to post

Here is the overview of the categories on the forum and their descriptions. Once you find the space for your question or discussion, scroll through the previous posts to see if your question was already asked. If so, and the answer was helpful, don't forget to add a like to thank the author. If not, just ask the community to share by posing a new question in the right thematic category.








Welcome & Introductions

Introduce yourself or welcome the new members who just recently joined

Forum Support & Feedback

How can we make your community experience better? Questions and feedback

Editorial Posts

Latest updates, news, services and community developments

Coffee Lounge

Meet peers and chat about anything with other community members

Search & Offer

Looking for or offering an item or service? Visit here

Local Communities

Subcategory: 🇳🇱 NL Community exchange l 🇰🇪 DIY Kenya





Health Themes

Physical Disabilities

Share questions, thoughts and insights on different physical disabilities

Psychosocial Disabilities

Share questions, thoughts and insights on different psychosocial disabilities

Intellectual Disabilities

Share questions, thoughts and insights on different intellectual disabilities

Sensory Disabilities

Share questions, thoughts and insights on different sensory disabilities

Chronic Diseases

Share questions, thoughts and insights on different chronic diseases

Assistive Technology & Therapy

Discuss your experiences with assistive technology, therapy and general health





Living Themes


Pre-school l Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Further education

Job & Profession

Employment l Self-employment l Home Office & Online jobs

Law, Finance & Social

Legal topics l Social welfare l Financial planning l Pensions

Travel & Mobility

Accessible travel l Technology devices & assistants

Relationships & Sexuality

Partnership with disability l Sexuality l Families with disability l Friendships

Home & Living

Accessible homes l Smart home l Institutional housing

Sports & Leisure

Accessible Sports l Culture l Media

Inclusion & Current Affairs

Campaigns & programs l Politics, activism & representation


Here is a screenshot of how the community platform looks like with the categories underneath a Major Theme (Community).