1) DE Foundation: Landing Page Video: Desktop
1: Willkommen in der EnableMe-Gemeinschaft
Willkommen in der EnableMe-Community! Wir sind Ihr Online-Forum rund um Behinderungen, chronische Krankheiten und psychische Probleme. Hier können Sie einer Gemeinschaft von Gleichgesinnten Fragen stellen und Antworten geben, die auf Ihren eigenen Erfahrungen und Ihrem Wissen basieren. Unsere Gemeinschaft ist sprachbasiert, so dass Sie Gleichgesinnte aus verschiedenen Ländern treffen können, die Ihre Sprache sprechen. In diesem Video werden wir Ihnen die Community vorstellen!
2: Struktur der EnableMe-Community
Sobald Sie sich registriert haben, können Sie die Startseite und die Landing Page der EnableMe Community sehen. Sie sollte wie folgt aussehen.
Bearbeiten Sie Ihre Profilinformationen und Ihr Bild:
Wenn Sie eingeloggt sind, finden Sie Ihr Profilsymbol in der oberen rechten Ecke der EnableMe Community Website. Klicken Sie auf dieses Symbol, und es öffnet sich ein Dropdown-Menü. Um Ihre Profilinformationen zu bearbeiten, wählen Sie "Konto- und Datenschutzeinstellungen", die erste Option von oben. Sie werden nun auf die Seite mit den Einstellungen für Ihr Konto und Ihre Privatsphäre weitergeleitet. Hier können Sie zwischen mehreren Links wählen: Sie können Ihre Profilfelder oder Ihr Profilbild bearbeiten, Ihre Zitateinstellungen und Ihre Signatur- oder Benachrichtigungseinstellungen ändern.
Kategorien und Struktur:
Wenn Sie sich auf der Hauptseite befinden, können Sie die allgemeinen Kategorien der EnableMe-Community über die Registerkarte "Kategorien" im oberen Menü der Seite zwischen "Diskussionen" und "Gruppen" finden. Hier finden Sie die drei Hauptkategorien "Gemeinschaft", "Gesundheit" und "Leben".
Der Cluster 'Community' ist derjenige, der sich auf den gemeinschaftlichen Austausch und das soziale Miteinander konzentriert. Innerhalb des "Community"-Bereichs finden Sie Kategorien wie Willkommensposts und Einführungen, die Coffee Lounge, in der Sie über alles Mögliche plaudern können, den Search & Offer Hub sowie lokale Community Hubs und redaktionelle Beiträge von den EnableMe Community Managern. Wenn Sie Fragen oder Feedback an uns haben, ist es sehr hilfreich, diese in dieser Kategorie zu teilen.
In der Themengruppe "Gesundheit" können Sie durch konkrete Fragen zu bestimmten Behinderungen und chronischen Krankheiten blättern oder diese stellen, um behinderungs- und krankheitsspezifische Communities, Beiträge und Tipps zu finden. Dabei wird zwischen körperlichen, sensorischen, psychosozialen und geistigen Behinderungen sowie chronischen Krankheiten und Hilfsmitteln und Therapie unterschieden.
Die Themengruppe "Leben" umfasst eine Vielzahl von Kategorien, die die Lebensbereiche abdecken, die von Behinderung und Krankheit betroffen sein können. Hier können Sie Fragen stellen und beantworten, z. B. zu den Themen "Arbeit und Beruf", "Bildung", "Reisen und Mobilität", "Beziehungen und Sexualität" und vielen anderen.
Indem Sie in der richtigen Kategorie posten, stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Frage von Gleichgesinnten gesehen wird und behalten die Übersicht im Forum.
3: Landing Page Einführung
Um zu unserer Startseite zurückzukehren, klicken Sie auf das EnableMe-Logo in der oberen linken Ecke.
Oben auf der Seite befindet sich immer die Suchleiste - eine leistungsstarke Suchfunktion, mit der Sie Beiträge in der Community-Bibliothek mit Fragen und Antworten zu Ihrer Frage finden können. Das Lupensymbol oben rechts in der Navigation ist ebenfalls für Ihre Suche da. In der Suche selbst können Sie nach Kategorie, Zeitrahmen und Autor filtern.
Unterhalb der Suchleiste sehen Sie oben auf der Seite mehrere Boxen. Diese Boxen enthalten saisonale Themen und vorgestellte Artikel, sowie eine Auswahl an Community-Beiträgen der Redaktion.
Unterhalb dieser Boxen finden Sie die aktuellsten Diskussionen. Hier werden die Beiträge, die in letzter Zeit verfasst oder kommentiert wurden, in der Reihenfolge der jüngsten Aktivitäten angezeigt. Es gibt auch ein Sortiermenü am oberen Rand des Diskussionsbereichs. Hier können Sie nach den jüngsten Aktivitäten, nach aktuellen oder beliebten Diskussionen und nach Ankündigungen der Community-Moderatoren suchen. Diese Vorauswahl zeigt Ihnen nur die letzten 10 Fragen oder Diskussionen an, für weitere Themen können Sie auf "Diskussionen" in der Navigation in der Kopfzeile klicken.
Auf der rechten Seite des Bereichs "Diskussionen" finden Sie die "Quick Links", d.h. Links zu den Kategorien, zu neuen Diskussionen, zu Ihren mit Lesezeichen versehenen Diskussionen, zu Ihren eigenen Diskussionen, Ihren Entwürfen, unbeantworteten Fragen in der Gemeinschaft und zu den ersten Schritten, wenn Sie neu in der Gemeinschaft sind.
Unterhalb der Quicklinks finden Sie die beliebten Tags, die automatisch generiert werden und für alle Länder sichtbar sind. Als Mitglied der Community können Sie aus vordefinierten Schlagwörtern auswählen und sie in jedem Ihrer Beiträge hinzufügen. Die Tags helfen Ihnen bei der länderübergreifenden Suche zu einem bestimmten Thema.
Am Ende der Seite heben wir bestimmte Kategorien mit relevanten Fragen und Antworten hervor.
4: Fragen stellen, Diskussionen starten, Kommentare zu Diskussionen abgeben
Stellen Sie eine Frage / beginnen Sie eine Diskussion:
Wenn Sie sich auf der Homepage der EnableMe-Community befinden, scrollen Sie nach unten, bis Sie die blaue Schaltfläche "Eine Frage stellen" auf der rechten Seite der Webseite finden, direkt über den "Quick Links". Drücken Sie auf die Schaltfläche, um das Pop-up-Menü zu öffnen. Hier können Sie auswählen, ob Sie eine Frage stellen oder eine neue Diskussion beginnen möchten. Sie finden diese Schaltfläche auch, wenn Sie die Beiträge anderer Personen lesen, auf der rechten Seite der Website.
Wenn Sie eine bestimmte Antwort suchen, stellen Sie eine Frage. Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihre Frage als beantwortet markieren, wenn Sie einen Kommentar erhalten, den Sie als Antwort auf Ihre Frage betrachten. Wenn Sie die Meinungen und Ideen anderer Personen erfahren möchten, eröffnen Sie eine neue Diskussion. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie Ihre Frage oder Diskussion veröffentlichen möchten, wählen Sie einen Titel und schreiben Sie Ihre Frage oder Ihre Diskussionsaufforderung.
Kommentieren Sie eine Frage oder eine Diskussion:
Wenn Sie sich auf der Seite der Diskussion oder Frage befinden, auf die Sie antworten möchten, werden Sie auf eine Seite geleitet, die wie folgt aussieht. Blättern Sie bis zum Ende des Beitrags. Sie können auf den Beitrag reagieren, indem Sie ihn liken, aber Sie können auch Ihre eigenen Gedanken und Ideen einbringen. Geben Sie dazu Ihren Kommentar in das Feld "Kommentar hinterlassen" ein, das Sie hier sehen können. Wenn viele andere Personen vor Ihnen einen Kommentar hinterlassen haben, müssen Sie möglicherweise etwas länger nach unten scrollen, bis Sie dieses Feld sehen. Sie können dann entweder Ihren Entwurf speichern oder den Kommentar direkt abschicken. Um Ihren Entwurf zu speichern, klicken Sie auf die weiße Schaltfläche "Entwurf speichern". Um Ihren Kommentar direkt zu veröffentlichen, klicken Sie auf die blaue Schaltfläche "Kommentar veröffentlichen".
Akzeptieren von Antworten:
Wenn Sie eine Frage gepostet und Kommentare erhalten haben, sehen Sie, dass unter den Kommentaren eine Frage gestellt wird: "Wurde die Frage damit beantwortet?" und Sie haben die Möglichkeit, mit "Ja" oder "Nein" zu antworten. Wenn Sie "Ja" angeben, weiß die Gemeinschaft, dass es eine gute Antwort auf Ihre Frage gab, und die Antwort wird nach oben verschoben. Wenn Sie "Nein" angeben, weiß die Gemeinschaft, dass Sie noch keine hilfreiche Antwort auf Ihre Frage gefunden haben. Diese Angabe ist für andere Community-Mitglieder und die Community-Moderatoren hilfreich.
Auf sozialen Medien teilen
Vielleicht finden Sie eine bestimmte Diskussion oder einen Kommentar sehr hilfreich und möchten dies mit Ihrem persönlichen Netzwerk teilen, damit mehr Menschen davon erfahren können. Sie können dies ganz einfach auf Facebook tun, indem Sie auf das Facebook-Symbol klicken. Sie müssen Ihr Facebook-Profil einmalig mit Ihrem Gemeinschaftsprofil verbinden. Dann können Sie Beiträge ganz einfach über Ihr Facebook-Profil teilen.
5: Private Nachrichten
Eine private Nachricht senden
Um private Nachrichten zu senden, klicken Sie auf das Briefumschlag-Symbol neben Ihrer Profilschaltfläche oben rechts auf der Gemeinschaftsseite. Rechts neben "Posteingang" können Sie auf das Symbol klicken, das einen Bleistift auf einem Papier zeigt, um eine private Nachricht an jemanden zu schreiben. Es öffnet sich ein Formular, in das Sie den Empfänger Ihrer Nachricht und die Nachricht, die Sie senden möchten, eingeben können. Sie müssen den Benutzernamen der Person kennen, der Sie eine Nachricht senden möchten. Wenn Sie mit dem Verfassen Ihrer Nachricht fertig sind, können Sie unten auf der Seite auf die blaue Schaltfläche "Nachricht senden" klicken oder, wenn Sie Ihre Meinung geändert haben, die Nachricht abbrechen.
Eine Nachricht an mehrere Personen senden
Wenn Sie eine Nachricht an mehrere Personen senden möchten, fügen Sie im Empfängerfeld mehrere Empfänger hinzu. Sie müssen jeden Benutzernamen der Personen, an die Sie Ihre Nachricht senden möchten, einzeln eingeben.
Wir hoffen, dass dieses kurze Video Ihnen eine gute Einführung in die Gemeinschaft gegeben hat! Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie online zu sehen!
6: Andere Gemeinschaften erkunden
EnableMe ist in einer Vielzahl von Ländern aktiv und bietet derzeit fünf Sprachen an. Wenn Sie eine andere Sprachgemeinschaft erkunden möchten, klicken Sie auf die angegebene Sprache in der Navigationsleiste und wählen Sie die gewünschte Sprachgemeinschaft im Dropdown-Menü aus.
7: Soziale Medien
Möchten Sie EnableMe in den sozialen Medien folgen, um keine Aktualisierungen zu verpassen? Scrollen Sie bis zum Ende der Seite und folgen Sie uns auf Instagram oder Facebook in Ihrem Land, indem Sie auf die entsprechenden Symbole klicken.
[Foundation theme script in English]
1) EN Foundation: Landing Page Video: Desktop
1: Welcome to the EnableMe Community
Welcome to the EnableMe Community! We are your online forum around disabilities, chronic illness and mental health challenges. This space is for you to ask a question to a supportive community of peers and contribute responses based on your own experiences and knowledge. Our community is language-based, so you can meet peers from across different countries speaking your language. In this video, we will introduce the community to you!
2: Structure of the EnableMe Community
Once you have registered, you can see the home and landing page of the EnableMe Community. It should look like this.
Edit your profile information and picture:
When you are logged in, you can find your profile icon in the top right corner of the EnableMe Community website. Click this icon, and a drop-down menu will open. To edit your profile information, choose ‘Account & Privacy Settings’, the first option from the top. You will now be forwarded to your account and privacy settings page. Here you can choose between several links: you can edit your profile fields or your profile picture, change your quote settings and your signature or notification settings.
Categories and structure:
When you are on the main page, you can find the general categories of the EnableMe Community through the ‘Categories’-tab in the top menu of the page, between ‘Discussions’ and ‘Groups’. Here, you will find the three main clusters of categories ‘Community’, ‘Health’, and ‘Living’.
The ‘Community’ cluster is the one focused on the community exchange and socializing. Within the ‘Community’ cluster you will find categories such as Welcome Posts and Introductions, the Coffee Lounge to chat about anything, the Search & Offer hub, as well as local community hubs, and editorial posts from the EnableMe Community Managers. If you have questions or feedback for us, it will be most helpful to share in this category.
Within the ‘Health’ themes cluster, you can scroll through or pose concrete questions about specific disabilities and chronic illnesses, to find disability- and illness-specific communities, posts, and tips. This includes separations between physical, sensory, psychosocial, and intellectual disabilities, as well as chronic illnesses, and assistive technology and therapy.
The ‘Living’ themes cluster includes a variety of categories that cover the areas of life that may be affected by disability and illness. Here you can ask and answer questions about, for example, ‘job and profession’, ‘education’, ‘travel and mobility’, ‘relationships and sexuality’, and many more.
By posting in the right category you ensure that like-minded people will see your question and will keep the neat overview of the forum.
3: Landing Page Introduction
To go back to our homepage, click on the EnableMe logo in the upper left corner.
Always on the upper side of the page you have the search bar - a powerful search through which you can find posts within the community library of Q&As on your query. The magnifying glass icon on the top right side in the navigation is also there for your search. Within the search itself you can filter by category, timeframe and author.
Below the search bar, you will see several boxes at the top of the page. These boxes contain seasonal topics and featured articles, as well as a selection of community posts of the editorial team.
Underneath these boxes, you will find the most recent discussions. Here, posts that have recently been made or commented on, will appear in order of most recent activity. There is also a sorting menu at the top of the discussions section. You can check for most recent activity, for trending or popular discussions, and announcements by the community moderators. This preselection gives you only the last 10 questions or discussions, for more threads you can click on “Discussions” in the navigation in the header.
On the right side of the discussions section you can find the ‘Quick Links’, section, which are links to the categories, to new discussions, to your bookmarked discussions, to your own discussions, your drafts, unanswered questions in the community, and to first steps if you are new to the community.
Underneath the quick links you can find the popular tags, which are automatically generated and visible for all countries. As a community member you can select from pre-defined tags and add them in each of your posts. The tags help you search on a specific topic across countries.
At the end of the page we highlight specific categories with relevant questions and answers.
4: Asking Questions, Starting Discussions, Commenting on Discussions
Ask a question / start a discussion:
When you are on the EnableMe community homepage, scroll down until you find the blue ‘Ask A Question’ button on the right side of the webpage, right above the 'Quick Links'. You can press the button to open the pop-up menu. Here you can select whether to ask a question or start a new discussion. You can also find this button when you are reading other people’s posts, on the right side of the website.
If you want to find a specific answer, ask a question. In this way, you can mark your question as answered when you receive a comment that you deem an answer to your question. If you are looking to hear about other people’s opinions and ideas, start a new discussion. Select the category in which you would like to post your question or discussion, choose a title and write down your question or your discussion prompt.
Comment on a question or discussion:
When you are on the page of the discussion or question that you would like to reply to, you will be on a page that looks like this. Scroll down to the end of the post. You can react to the post by liking it, but you can also type out your own specific thoughts and ideas. To do so, type your comment into the ‘Leave a Comment’ box, which you can see here. If many other people have left comments before you, you might have to scroll down a bit longer before you see this box. You can then either save your draft or post the comment directly. To save your draft, press the white ‘Save Draft’ button. To directly post your comment, press the blue ‘Post Comment’ button.
Accepting responses:
When you have posted a question and received comments, you will see that a question below the comments asks you: “Did this answer the question?” and your options to respond are “Yes” and “No”. Indicating “Yes” lets the community know that there was a good answer to your question, and will shift the answer upwards, whereas indicating “No” lets the community know that you have not found a helpful answer to your question yet. Indicating this is helpful for other community members and the community moderators.
Share on social media
You might find a specific discussion or comment really helpful and wish to share this with your personal network, so more people can learn about it. You can easily do so on Facebook by clicking the Facebook-icon. You will need to connect your Facebook profile to your community profile once. Then you can easily share posts through your Facebook profile.
5: Private Messages
Send a message privately
To send private messages, click the envelope icon next to your profile button on the top right side of the community page. On the right next to ‘Inbox’ you can click the icon that shows a pencil on a paper to start writing a private message to someone. A form will open up where you can type in the recipient of your message and the message you would like to send itself. You need to know the username of the person you would like to send a message to. Once you are done writing your message, you can click on the blue ‘Post Message’ button on the bottom of the page, or, if you’ve changed your mind, cancel the message.
Send a message to multiple persons
If you would like to send a message to several people, add several recipients in the recipient field. You need to individually type each username of the people you would like to send your message to.
We hope this short video has given you a good introduction to the community! We are excited to see you online!
6: Exploring Other Communities
EnableMe is active in a variety of countries and currently offers five languages. If you wish to explore another language community, click on the indicated language in the navigation bar and select the desired language community in the drop-down menu.
7: Social Media
Do you wish to follow EnableMe on social media so that you won’t miss any updates? Scroll down to the bottom of the page and follow us on Instagram or Facebook in your country by clicking on the respective icons.
2) EN Foundation: Landing Page Video: Mobile
1: Welcome to the EnableMe Community
Welcome to the EnableMe Community! We are your online forum around disabilities, chronic illness and mental health challenges. This space is for you to ask a question to a supportive community of peers and contribute responses based on your own experiences and knowledge. In this video, we will introduce the community to you!
2: Structure of the EnableMe Community
Once you have registered, you can see the home and landing page of the EnableMe Community. It should look like this.
Edit your profile information and picture:
When you are logged in, you can find your profile icon in the top right corner of the EnableMe Community website. Click this icon, and a drop-down menu will open. To edit your profile information, choose ‘Edit Profile’, the second option from the top. You will now be forwarded to a form in which you can change your profile picture, your username, your email address, privacy settings, as well as more detailed information about yourself.
Categories and structure:
When you are on the main page, you can find the button for the general categories of the EnableMe Community on the bottom menu of the page. Here, you will find the three main categories ‘Community’, ‘Health’, and ‘Living’.
The ‘Community’ category is the one focused on the community exchange and socializing. Within the ‘Community’ category you will find subcategories such as Welcome Posts and Introductions, the Coffee Lounge to chat, the Search & Offer hub, as well as local community hubs, and editorial posts from the EnableMe Community Managers. If you have feedback for us, it will be most helpful to share in this category.
Within the ‘Health’ category, you can scroll through or pose concrete questions about specific disabilities and chronic illnesses, to find disability- and illness-specific communities, posts, and tips. This includes separations between physical, sensory, psychosocial, and intellectual disabilities, as well as chronic illnesses, and assistive technology and therapy.
The ‘Living’ category includes a variety of topics that cover the areas of life that may be affected by disability and illness. Here you can ask and answer questions about, for example, ‘job and profession’, ‘education’, ‘travel and mobility’, ‘relationships and sexuality’, and many more.
3: Landing Page Introduction
To go back to our homepage, click on the EnableMe logo in the upper left corner. You will see three boxes.
The first box contains resources and materials for new community members and links to our experts.
The second box focuses on monthly topics and featured articles.
The third box is a selection of community posts of the editorial team.
Underneath these three boxes, you will find the most recent discussions. Here, posts that have recently been made or recently been commented on, will appear in order of most recent activity.
4: Asking Questions, Starting Discussions, Commenting on Discussions
Ask a question / start a discussion:
When you are on the EnableMe community homepage, find the blue ‘Ask A Question’ button at the top of the page right underneath the search bar. You can either press the middle of the button to directly ask a question, or click the downward arrow on the right side of the button to open the pop-up menu. Here you can select whether to ask a question or start a new discussion. You can also start a poll or share an idea. You can also find this button when you are reading other people’s posts, on the right side of the website.
If you want to find a specific answer, ask a question. In this way, you can mark your question as answered when you receive a comment that you deem an answer to your question. If you are looking to hear about other people’s opinions and ideas, start a new discussion. Select the category in which you would like to post your question or discussion, choose a title and write down your question or your discussion prompt.
Comment on a question or discussion:
When you are on the page of the discussion or question that you would like to reply to, you will be on a page that looks like this. Scroll down to the end of the post. You can react to the post by liking it, but you can also type out your own specific thoughts and ideas. To do so, type your comment into the ‘Leave a Comment’ box, which you can see here. If many other people have left comments before you, you might have to scroll down a bit longer before you see this box. You can then either save your draft or post the comment directly. To save your draft, press the white ‘Save Draft’ button. To directly post your comment, press the blue ‘Post Comment’ button.
Accepting responses:
When you have posted a question and received comments, you will see that a question below the comments asks you: “Did this answer the question?” and your options to respond are “Yes” and “No”. Indicating “Yes” lets the community know that there was a good answer to your question, whereas indicating “No” lets the community know that you have not found a helpful answer to your question yet. Indicating this is helpful for other community members and the community moderators.
5: Private Messages
Send a message privately
To send private messages, click the envelope icon between the bell and star icons next to your profile button on the top right side of the community page. On the right next to ‘Inbox’ you can click the icon that shows a pencil on a paper to start writing a private message to someone. A form will open up where you can type in the recipient of your message and the message you would like to send itself. You need to know the username of the person you would like to send a message to. Once you are done writing your message, you can click on the blue ‘Post Message’ button on the bottom of the page, or, if you’ve changed your mind, cancel the message.
Send a message to multiple persons
If you would like to send a message to several people, add several recipients in the recipient field. You need to individually type each username of the people you would like to send your message to.
We hope this short video has given you a good introduction for the community! We are excited to see you there!
[Old theme script]
1) Landing Page Video: Desktop
1: Welcome to the EnableMe Community
Welcome to the EnableMe Community! We are your online forum around disabilities, chronic illness and mental health challenges. This space is for you to ask a question to a supportive community of peers and contribute responses based on your own experiences and knowledge. In this video, we will introduce the community to you!
2: Structure of the EnableMe Community
Once you have registered, you can see the home and landing page of the EnableMe Community. It should look like this.
Edit your profile information and picture:
When you are logged in, you can find your profile icon in the top right corner of the EnableMe Community website. Click this icon, and a drop-down menu will open. To edit your profile information, choose ‘Edit Profile’, the second option from the top. You will now be forwarded to a form in which you can change your profile picture, your username, your email address, privacy settings, as well as more detailed information about yourself.
Categories and structure:
When you are on the main page, you can find the general categories of the EnableMe Community on the lower right side of the page. Here, you will find the three main categories ‘Community’, ‘Health’, and ‘Living’.
The ‘Community’ category is the one focused on the community exchange and socializing. Within the ‘Community’ category you will find subcategories such as Welcome Posts and Introductions, the Coffee Lounge to chat about anything, the Search & Offer hub, as well as local community hubs, and editorial posts from the EnableMe Community Managers. If you have feedback for us, it will be most helpful to share in this category.
Within the ‘Health’ category, you can scroll through or pose concrete questions about specific disabilities and chronic illnesses, to find disability- and illness-specific communities, posts, and tips. This includes separations between physical, sensory, psychosocial, and intellectual disabilities, as well as chronic illnesses, and assistive technology and therapy.
The ‘Living’ category includes a variety of topics that cover the areas of life that may be affected by disability and illness. Here you can ask and answer questions about, for example, ‘job and profession’, ‘education’, ‘travel and mobility’, ‘relationships and sexuality’, and many more.
3: Landing Page Introduction
To go back to our homepage, click on the EnableMe logo in the upper left corner. You will see three boxes.
The first box contains resources and materials for new community members and links to our experts.
The second box focuses on seasonal topics and featured articles.
The third box is a selection of community posts of the editorial team.
Underneath these three boxes, you will find the most recent discussions. Here, posts that have recently been made or commented on, will appear in order of most recent activity.
4: Asking Questions, Starting Discussions, Commenting on Discussions
Ask a question / start a discussion:
When you are on the EnableMe community homepage, scroll down until you find the blue ‘Ask A Question’ button, right above the categories of questions. You can either press the middle of the button to directly ask a question, or click the downward arrow on the right side of the button to open the pop-up menu. Here you can select whether to ask a question or start a new discussion. You can also find this button when you are reading other people’s posts, on the right side of the website.
If you want to find a specific answer, ask a question. In this way, you can mark your question as answered when you receive a comment that you deem an answer to your question. If you are looking to hear about other people’s opinions and ideas, start a new discussion. Select the category in which you would like to post your question or discussion, choose a title and write down your question or your discussion prompt.
Comment on a question or discussion:
When you are on the page of the discussion or question that you would like to reply to, you will be on a page that looks like this. Scroll down to the end of the post. You can react to the post by liking it, but you can also type out your own specific thoughts and ideas. To do so, type your comment into the ‘Leave a Comment’ box, which you can see here. If many other people have left comments before you, you might have to scroll down a bit longer before you see this box. You can then either save your draft or post the comment directly. To save your draft, press the white ‘Save Draft’ button. To directly post your comment, press the blue ‘Post Comment’ button.
Accepting responses:
When you have posted a question and received comments, you will see that a question below the comments asks you: “Did this answer the question?” and your options to respond are “Yes” and “No”. Indicating “Yes” lets the community know that there was a good answer to your question, and will shift the answer upwards, whereas indicating “No” lets the community know that you have not found a helpful answer to your question yet. Indicating this is helpful for other community members and the community moderators.
5: Private Messages
Send a message privately
To send private messages, click the envelope icon between the bell and star icons next to your profile button on the top right side of the community page. On the right next to ‘Inbox’ you can click the icon that shows a pencil on a paper to start writing a private message to someone. A form will open up where you can type in the recipient of your message and the message you would like to send itself. You need to know the username of the person you would like to send a message to. Once you are done writing your message, you can click on the blue ‘Post Message’ button on the bottom of the page, or, if you’ve changed your mind, cancel the message.
Send a message to multiple persons
If you would like to send a message to several people, add several recipients in the recipient field. You need to individually type each username of the people you would like to send your message to.
We hope this short video has given you a good introduction to the community! We are excited to see you online!
2) Landing Page Video: Mobile
1: Welcome to the EnableMe Community
Welcome to the EnableMe Community! We are your online forum around disabilities, chronic illness and mental health challenges. This space is for you to ask a question to a supportive community of peers and contribute responses based on your own experiences and knowledge. In this video, we will introduce the community to you!
2: Structure of the EnableMe Community
Once you have registered, you can see the home and landing page of the EnableMe Community. It should look like this.
Edit your profile information and picture:
When you are logged in, you can find your profile icon in the top right corner of the EnableMe Community website. Click this icon, and a drop-down menu will open. To edit your profile information, choose ‘Edit Profile’, the second option from the top. You will now be forwarded to a form in which you can change your profile picture, your username, your email address, privacy settings, as well as more detailed information about yourself.
Categories and structure:
When you are on the main page, you can find the button for the general categories of the EnableMe Community on the bottom menu of the page. Here, you will find the three main categories ‘Community’, ‘Health’, and ‘Living’.
The ‘Community’ category is the one focused on the community exchange and socializing. Within the ‘Community’ category you will find subcategories such as Welcome Posts and Introductions, the Coffee Lounge to chat, the Search & Offer hub, as well as local community hubs, and editorial posts from the EnableMe Community Managers. If you have feedback for us, it will be most helpful to share in this category.
Within the ‘Health’ category, you can scroll through or pose concrete questions about specific disabilities and chronic illnesses, to find disability- and illness-specific communities, posts, and tips. This includes separations between physical, sensory, psychosocial, and intellectual disabilities, as well as chronic illnesses, and assistive technology and therapy.
The ‘Living’ category includes a variety of topics that cover the areas of life that may be affected by disability and illness. Here you can ask and answer questions about, for example, ‘job and profession’, ‘education’, ‘travel and mobility’, ‘relationships and sexuality’, and many more.
3: Landing Page Introduction
To go back to our homepage, click on the EnableMe logo in the upper left corner. You will see three boxes.
The first box contains resources and materials for new community members and links to our experts.
The second box focuses on monthly topics and featured articles.
The third box is a selection of community posts of the editorial team.
Underneath these three boxes, you will find the most recent discussions. Here, posts that have recently been made or recently been commented on, will appear in order of most recent activity.
4: Asking Questions, Starting Discussions, Commenting on Discussions
Ask a question / start a discussion:
When you are on the EnableMe community homepage, find the blue ‘Ask A Question’ button at the top of the page right underneath the search bar. You can either press the middle of the button to directly ask a question, or click the downward arrow on the right side of the button to open the pop-up menu. Here you can select whether to ask a question or start a new discussion. You can also start a poll or share an idea. You can also find this button when you are reading other people’s posts, on the right side of the website.
If you want to find a specific answer, ask a question. In this way, you can mark your question as answered when you receive a comment that you deem an answer to your question. If you are looking to hear about other people’s opinions and ideas, start a new discussion. Select the category in which you would like to post your question or discussion, choose a title and write down your question or your discussion prompt.
Comment on a question or discussion:
When you are on the page of the discussion or question that you would like to reply to, you will be on a page that looks like this. Scroll down to the end of the post. You can react to the post by liking it, but you can also type out your own specific thoughts and ideas. To do so, type your comment into the ‘Leave a Comment’ box, which you can see here. If many other people have left comments before you, you might have to scroll down a bit longer before you see this box. You can then either save your draft or post the comment directly. To save your draft, press the white ‘Save Draft’ button. To directly post your comment, press the blue ‘Post Comment’ button.
Accepting responses:
When you have posted a question and received comments, you will see that a question below the comments asks you: “Did this answer the question?” and your options to respond are “Yes” and “No”. Indicating “Yes” lets the community know that there was a good answer to your question, whereas indicating “No” lets the community know that you have not found a helpful answer to your question yet. Indicating this is helpful for other community members and the community moderators.
5: Private Messages
Send a message privately
To send private messages, click the envelope icon between the bell and star icons next to your profile button on the top right side of the community page. On the right next to ‘Inbox’ you can click the icon that shows a pencil on a paper to start writing a private message to someone. A form will open up where you can type in the recipient of your message and the message you would like to send itself. You need to know the username of the person you would like to send a message to. Once you are done writing your message, you can click on the blue ‘Post Message’ button on the bottom of the page, or, if you’ve changed your mind, cancel the message.
Send a message to multiple persons
If you would like to send a message to several people, add several recipients in the recipient field. You need to individually type each username of the people you would like to send your message to.
We hope this short video has given you a good introduction for the community! We are excited to see you there!