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Ideas for EnableMe:

  • offering certificates for volunteering → could be combined with competition for limited certificates, would also require a way to actually track individual user participation (and could incentivize quantity over quality)

  • establish desirable access to exclusive spaces for very active users → e.g. specific group membership? influence on planning events, etc.?

  • offering workshops that you get access to when being a super user → EnableMe specific, trying to make them more competent users and more skilled as individual benefit at the same time

  • establish rankings, make badges more specific → could potentially be too complicated, especially if we are catering to different disability groups (keeping it simple as preferential)

    • super user badge/ranking goes along with certain rights and responsibilities?

    • be transparent about super user ranking and process of selection, availability of roles, etc.

  • competitions with specific prizes? → only temporary but could promote initial involvement and fraction stays

    • win users through participation

    • potentially build up for super users to establish categories for winning, be part of jury, etc.?

    • build competition around activity on the community



Information Source

Motivating people to join

  • offer online opportunities → roles, certificates, etc.

  • offer online services → workshops, webinars, etc.

  • make it seem more exclusive than it really is → create an application process

  • actively recruit people who are active in reviewing disability services (e.g. with a blog, influencers, etc.)

Motivating people to engage

  • offer online opportunities → official (and limited) roles, certificates, etc.

  • establish rankings

  • give specific instructions and set expectations

Motivating people to stay

  • feeling part of a community

    • hosting events

    • incorporating feedback in a tangible way

  • offering information and education (knowledge and skills)

  • feeling validated → investment in their skills and exclusive access to information, services and opportunities; crediting individuals for ideas, contributions, etc.

Motivating people to promote

  • incentives for telling people

    • financial, prizes, etc. → competitions?

    • rights, access to services, etc.

    • responsibility when having a super user ranking