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If you want to find a specific answer, ask a question. In this way, you can mark your question as answered when you receive a comment that you deem an answer to your question. If you are looking to hear about other people’s opinions and ideas, start a new discussion. Select the category in which you would like to post your question or discussion, choose a title and write down your question or your discussion prompt.

You can either save a draft of your question or post if you would like to edit it again before posting or discard your post if you changed your mind about posting it. If you are happy with your question or discussion prompt, post it to the forum by pressing the blue ‘Post Question’ or ‘Post Discussion’ button. Make sure that you adhere to the EnableMe Community Guidelines when posting. We are excited to see your contributions!

Start a discussion/ask a question: via desktop

We are excited to hear what you have to say, and we are eager to answer your questions. In this video, we are showing you how to start a discussion or ask a question in the forum from your computer.

When you are on the EnableMe community homepage, scroll down until you find the blue ‘Ask A Question’ button, right above the categories of questions. You can either press the middle of the button to directly ask a question, or click the downward arrow on the right side of the button to open the pop-up menu. Here you can select whether to ask a question or start a new discussion. You can also find this button when you are reading other people’s posts, on the right side of the website.

If you want to find a specific answer, ask a question. In this way, you can mark your question as answered when you receive a comment that you deem an answer to your question. If you are looking to hear about other people’s opinions and ideas, start a new discussion. Select the category in which you would like to post your question or discussion, choose a title and write down your question or your discussion prompt.

You can either save a draft of your question or post if you would like to edit it again before posting or discard your post if you changed your mind about posting it. If you are happy with your question or discussion prompt, post it to the forum by pressing the blue ‘Post Question’ or ‘Post Discussion’ button. Make sure that you adhere to the EnableMe Community Guidelines when posting. We are excited to see your contributions!

Make a comment: via phone
