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Super Users

  • Grundlegende demografische Daten:

    • m/w

    • Alter

    • Wohnort

    • Beruf

  • Seit wann sind Sie ein Nutzer von EnableMe?

  • Wie oft betreten Sie die Plattform?

  • Welches Gerät benutzen Sie normalerweise, um sich auf der Plattform anzumelden?

  • Warum haben Sie sich auf der Plattform registriert?

  • Was bringt Sie dazu, die Plattform erneut zu besuchen? Warum kommen Sie zurück?

  • Welche Aufgabe wollen Sie erledigen, wenn Sie auf der Plattform aktiv sind?

  • Was bringt Ihnen der Nutzen der Plattform? Was finden Sie hilfreich?

  • Was motiviert Sie als Person, auf der Plattform aktiv zu sein und zu posten? Welchen weiteren Motivator könntest du dir von der Plattform wünschen, um mehr Wert als Community für dich zu schaffen?

  • Was muss geschehen, um Ihre Freunde auf die Plattform zu bringen?

  • Was ist das wichtigste Feature der Community? Was ist ein Must-Have-Feature?

  • Was ist ein Must-Have-Feature, das die Community derzeit nicht bietet? Weitere Verbesserungspotentiale?

  • Welche (Online-)Tools sind für Sie ein Must-Have / Nutzen?

  • Wie finden Sie normalerweise Antworten auf Fragen im Zusammenhang mit Behinderung und Inklusion?

  • Nehmen Sie an anderen Communities teil? An welchen?

  • Finden Sie es sinnvoll wenn es in der Community Abzeichen etc. für beantwortete Fragen u.Ä. gibt? Gibt es Gamification-Features, die Sie sinnvoll finden und gern in der Community sehen würden?

  • Was könnte für Sie als Superuser verbessert werden, damit Sie auf der Plattform noch aktiver werden?

  • Was sind Ihre Herausforderungen als Superuser?

  • Gibt es weitere Punkte, die Sie mitteilen möchten, um den Nutzen einer neuen Gemeinschaft für Superuser noch besser zu machen?


  • Grundlegende demografische Daten

    • m/w

    • Alter

    • Ort

    • Beruf

    • Fachgebiet

  • Seit wann sind Sie ein Benutzer von EnableMe? / Wie haben Sie von EnableMe erfahren?

  • Wie oft betreten Sie die Plattform?

  • Welches Gerät benutzen Sie normalerweise, um der Plattform beizutreten?

  • Warum sind Sie Experte auf EnableMe geworden? / Warum würden Sie EnableMe als Experte beitreten?

  • Was bringt Sie dazu, die Plattform erneut zu besuchen? Warum kommen Sie zurück?

  • Welche Aufgabe wollen Sie erledigen, wenn Sie auf der Plattform aktiv sind?

  • Was bringt Ihnen der Nutzen von EnableMe? Was finden Sie hilfreich?

  • Was motiviert Sie dazu, aktiv zu sein und als Experte Fragen zu beantworten? Welchen weiteren Motivator könnten Sie sich von der Plattform wünschen, um mehr Wert als Community für Sie zu schaffen?

  • Was muss geschehen, um das Wertangebot von EnableMe attraktiver zu machen, damit Sie auch Ihre Kollegen als Experten auf die Plattform bringen können?

  • Was ist die wichtigste Funktion der Community? Was ist ein "Must-Have"-Feature?

  • "Was ist ein Must-Have-Feature, das die Community derzeit nicht bietet?

  • Weitere Verbesserungspotenziale?"

  • Welche (Online-)Tools sind für Sie ein Must-have / Nutzen?

  • "Wo finden Sie normalerweise Antworten auf Fragen zum Thema Behinderung und Inklusion? Wo finden Ihre Patienten/Kunden normalerweise Antworten zum Thema Behinderung und Inklusion? Wo sind sie zu finden?"

  • Finden Sie es sinnvoll wenn es in der Community Abzeichen etc. für beantwortete Fragen u.Ä. gibt? Gibt es Gamification-Features, die Sie sinnvoll finden und gern in der Community sehen würden?
    Nehmen Sie an anderen Gemeinschaften teil? An welchen?

  • Was könnte für Sie als Experte verbessert werden, damit das Angebot von EnableMe für Experten nicht verpasst wird? / damit Sie noch aktiver sein können?

  • Was sind Ihre Herausforderungen als Experte?

  • Gibt es weitere Punkte, die Sie mitteilen möchten, um das Angebot einer neuen Community für Experten noch besser zu machen?

Influencers / Content Creators

Partner Organizations


Super Users

  • Basic demographics:

    • m/f

    • Age

    • Place of residence

    • Occupation

  • How long have you been a user of EnableMe?

  • How often do you enter the platform?

  • What device do you usually use to log in to the platform?

  • Why did you register on the platform?

  • What makes you visit the platform again? Why do you come back?

  • What task do you want to accomplish when you are active on the platform?

  • What do you get out of using the platform? What do you find helpful?

  • What motivates you as a person to be active and post on the platform? What other motivator might you want from the platform to create more value for you as a community?

  • What needs to happen to bring your friends to the platform?

  • What is the most important feature of the community? What is a must-have feature?

  • What is a must-have feature that the community does not currently offer? Other areas for improvement?

  • What (online) tools are a must-have/benefit for you?

  • How do you usually find answers to questions related to disability and inclusion?

  • Do you participate in other communities? In which ones?

  • Do you find it useful if there are badges etc. in the community for answered questions and the like? Are there gamification features that you find useful and would like to see in the community?

  • What could be improved for you as a superuser to make you more active on the platform?

  • What are your challenges as a superuser?

  • Are there any other points you would like to share to make the benefits of a new community even better for superusers?


  • Basic demographic data

    • m/f

    • Age

    • Place

    • Profession

    • Field

  • Since when have you been a user of EnableMe / How did you hear about EnableMe?

  • How often do you join the platform?

  • What device do you typically use to join the platform?

  • Why did you become an expert on EnableMe? / Why would you join EnableMe as an expert?

  • What makes you revisit the platform? Why are you coming back?

  • What task do you want to accomplish when you are active on the platform?

  • What do you get out of using EnableMe? What do you find helpful?

  • What motivates you to be active and answer questions as an expert? What other motivator might you want from the platform to create more value for you as a community?

  • What needs to happen to make EnableMe's value proposition more attractive so that you can also bring your colleagues to the platform as experts?

  • What is the most important feature of the community? What is a "must-have" feature?

  • What is a must-have feature that Community does not currently offer? Other areas for improvement?

  • What (online) tools are must-haves/benefits for you?

  • Where do you usually find answers to questions about disability and inclusion? Where do your patients/customers usually find answers about disability and inclusion? Where can they be found?

  • Do you find it useful if there are badges etc. in the community for answered questions and the like? Are there gamification features that you find useful and would like to see in the community?Do you participate in other communities? Which ones?

  • What could be improved for you as an expert to not miss out on what EnableMe has to offer experts? / so that you can be even more active?

  • What are your challenges as an expert?

  • Are there any other points you would like to share to make the offer of a new community for experts even better?

Influencers / Content Creators

  • Basic demographics:

    • gender

    • age

    • location

    • occupation

    • influencer in which field

  • How did you hear about EnableMe?

  • If online, how often do you enter the platform?

  • What device do you normally use to join the platform? / other platforms

  • Why would you join a community like EnableMe? What would it take for you to join a new developing community like EnableMe? What must be given for you to join?

  • What would bring you to return to the platform? Why do you / would you come back and be active on such a platform?

  • What job do you aim to get done when you are active on such a platform?

  • What brings value to you on EnableMe? What would you find helpful? What do you percieve as different at EnableMe that strikes in comparison to other communities?

  • What motivates you to keep your activity in an online community? Which one is most relevant for you, (eg. visibility, status, reward system through ranking, helping with answering questions, a platform to express yourself amongst peers, global platform and outreach, content sharing, events with the community....) Any wish for from the platform to create more value as a community for you?

  • What needs to happen to make the value proposition of EnableMe more attractive so that you can bring also your colleagues as influencers on the platform?

  • What is the most important feature of the community? What is its must-have feature?

  • What is a must-have feature that the community currently does not offer? Further improvement potentials?

  • What (online) tools are a must-have / use for you?

  • Where do you find answers to questions connected to disability and inclusion normally? Where do your followers find answers connected to disability inclusion normally? Where are they to be found?

  • Do you participate in other communities? Which ones?

  • What could be improved for you as an influencer, so that the offer of EnableMe for influencers is one that cannot be missed?

  • What are your challenges as an influencer?

  • Any further points you would like to share in order to make the value proposition of a new community even better for influencers?

Partner Organizations

  • Demographics: Who are your organization’s members? Basic demographics?

  • Member needs: What are the current needs of your members? What do they wish to know / do?

  • Jobs-to-be-done: How do you support / what do you offer them? 

    • What are your jobs to be done as a community / association’s leader?

  • Challenges: What are your organization’s challenges (when it comes to the members)? 

    • What are your pains / challenges as а leader of the organization?

  • Exchange: How do you engage with your members at the moment? How do you communicate with them?

  • Info source: How do members find answers to questions connected to their disability normally? 

    • How do you reach your members (communication-wise)?

  • Content: What kind of content do you provide to your members? What content are you missing? Is your content currently produced in house or produced in partnership with another organization?

  • Digital affinity: How digitally affine are your members?

  • Potential: Where could you see the potential for an online community group for yourself? When would such an online community support you in your work the most?

  • Tech features: What are a must-have / use for members of your community?

  • How important is it for you and your community to: (1-7). Elaborate

    • have own private space

    • moderate the community space yourself

    • have an easy, seamless way for the members to join the community space from your page

    • to be in control of who would join the community space

    • to have visibility across further disability types

    • to have more visibility and attract potential new members

    • to meet and exchange with other pwd org leaders

    • to have an easy to search repository of Q&A

    • to have not only text, but also multimedia (and which is most important)

    • to get know-how training on community moderation and support in the moderation operationally

    • to not be engaged in technical development and support for an online platform

    • to enter already a living community and not start from scratch



  • Основні демографічні дані:

    • ч/ж

    • Вік

    • Місце проживання

    • Професія

  • Як довго ви користуєтеся EnableMe?

  • Як часто ви заходите на платформу?

  • Який пристрій ви зазвичай використовуєте для входу на платформу?

  • Чому ви зареєструвалися на платформі?

  • Що змушує вас відвідувати платформу знову? Чому ви повертаєтеся?

  • Яке завдання ви хочете виконати, коли ви активні на платформі?

  • Що ви отримуєте від використання платформи? Що ви вважаєте корисним?

  • Що спонукає вас як людину бути активними та публікувати на платформі? Що вас мотивує?

  • Що має статися, щоб ваші друзі перейшли на платформу?

  • Яка найважливіша риса спільноти? Що є обов'язковою особливістю?

  • Яка обов’язкова функція, яку наразі не пропонує спільнота? Інші сфери для вдосконалення?

  • Які (онлайн) інструменти є обов’язковими для вас/корисними?

  • Як ви зазвичай знаходите відповіді на запитання, пов’язані з інвалідністю та інклюзією?

  • Ви берете участь в інших спільнотах? В яких саме?

  • Чи вважаєте ви корисним наявність значків тощо в спільноті для відповідей на запитання тощо? Чи є функції гейміфікації, які ви вважаєте корисними та хотіли б бачити в спільноті?

  • Що можна було б покращити для вас як суперкористувача, щоб зробити вас більш активними на платформі?

  • Які ваші виклики як суперкористувача?

  • Чи є якісь інші моменти, якими ви хотіли б поділитися, щоб переваги нової спільноти були ще кращими для суперкористувачів?


  • Basic demographic data

    • m/f

    • Age

    • Place

    • Profession

    • Field

  • Since when have you been a user of EnableMe / How did you hear about EnableMe?

  • How often do you join the platform?

  • What device do you typically use to join the platform?

  • Why did you become an expert on EnableMe? / Why would you join EnableMe as an expert?

  • What makes you revisit the platform? Why are you coming back?

  • What task do you want to accomplish when you are active on the platform?

  • What do you get out of using EnableMe? What do you find helpful?

  • What motivates you to be active and answer questions as an expert? What other motivator might you want from the platform to create more value for you as a community?

  • What needs to happen to make EnableMe's value proposition more attractive so that you can also bring your colleagues to the platform as experts?

  • What is the most important feature of the community? What is a "must-have" feature?

  • What is a must-have feature that Community does not currently offer? Other areas for improvement?

  • What (online) tools are must-haves/benefits for you?

  • Where do you usually find answers to questions about disability and inclusion? Where do your patients/customers usually find answers about disability and inclusion? Where can they be found?

  • Do you find it useful if there are badges etc. in the community for answered questions and the like? Are there gamification features that you find useful and would like to see in the community?Do you participate in other communities? Which ones?

  • What could be improved for you as an expert to not miss out on what EnableMe has to offer experts? / so that you can be even more active?

  • What are your challenges as an expert?

  • Are there any other points you would like to share to make the offer of a new community for experts even better?

Influencers / Content Creators

  • Basic demographics:

    • gender

    • age

    • location

    • occupation

    • influencer in which field

  • How did you hear about EnableMe?

  • If online, how often do you enter the platform?

  • What device do you normally use to join the platform? / other platforms

  • Why would you join a community like EnableMe? What would it take for you to join a new developing community like EnableMe? What must be given for you to join?

  • What would bring you to return to the platform? Why do you / would you come back and be active on such a platform?

  • What job do you aim to get done when you are active on such a platform?

  • What brings value to you on EnableMe? What would you find helpful? What do you percieve as different at EnableMe that strikes in comparison to other communities?

  • What motivates you to keep your activity in an online community? Which one is most relevant for you, (eg. visibility, status, reward system through ranking, helping with answering questions, a platform to express yourself amongst peers, global platform and outreach, content sharing, events with the community....) Any wish for from the platform to create more value as a community for you?

  • What needs to happen to make the value proposition of EnableMe more attractive so that you can bring also your colleagues as influencers on the platform?

  • What is the most important feature of the community? What is its must-have feature?

  • What is a must-have feature that the community currently does not offer? Further improvement potentials?

  • What (online) tools are a must-have / use for you?

  • Where do you find answers to questions connected to disability and inclusion normally? Where do your followers find answers connected to disability inclusion normally? Where are they to be found?

  • Do you participate in other communities? Which ones?

  • What could be improved for you as an influencer, so that the offer of EnableMe for influencers is one that cannot be missed?

  • What are your challenges as an influencer?

  • Any further points you would like to share in order to make the value proposition of a new community even better for influencers?

Partner Organizations

  • Demographics: Who are your organization’s members? Basic demographics?

  • Member needs: What are the current needs of your members? What do they wish to know / do?

  • Jobs-to-be-done: How do you support / what do you offer them? 

    • What are your jobs to be done as a community / association’s leader?

  • Challenges: What are your organization’s challenges (when it comes to the members)? 

    • What are your pains / challenges as а leader of the organization?

  • Exchange: How do you engage with your members at the moment? How do you communicate with them?

  • Info source: How do members find answers to questions connected to their disability normally? 

    • How do you reach your members (communication-wise)?

  • Content: What kind of content do you provide to your members? What content are you missing? Is your content currently produced in house or produced in partnership with another organization?

  • Digital affinity: How digitally affine are your members?

  • Potential: Where could you see the potential for an online community group for yourself? When would such an online community support you in your work the most?

  • Tech features: What are a must-have / use for members of your community?

  • How important is it for you and your community to: (1-7). Elaborate

    • have own private space

    • moderate the community space yourself

    • have an easy, seamless way for the members to join the community space from your page

    • to be in control of who would join the community space

    • to have visibility across further disability types

    • to have more visibility and attract potential new members

    • to meet and exchange with other pwd org leaders

    • to have an easy to search repository of Q&A

    • to have not only text, but also multimedia (and which is most important)

    • to get know-how training on community moderation and support in the moderation operationally

    • to not be engaged in technical development and support for an online platform

    • to enter already a living community and not start from scratch

  • No labels