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Planning Point


Resulting Tasks

Event Aim/Purpose

December 3rd is the International Day of Disabled Persons and it is important for EnableMe to use such international days of celebration to call for inclusion and highlight the importance and benefits of inclusion across the world to increase visibility and increase awareness.

By having a collaborative event on December 3rd, EnableMe can prelaunch the different local communities who are working on building up a global network of support and inclusion for people who are affected directly or indirectly by disability and/or chronic illness. It is a way of introducing the partner lead organizations that EnableMe is working with in Kenya, India, and Uganda, and to extend the understanding of the EnableMe community of the different local communities developing at the moment.

General Concept

The different lead organizations couple their own events for the 3rd of December and introduce EnableMe to their own audience, as well as their EnableMe-related audience to the lead organization.

India → EnableIndia: Project Discovery prize ceremony

Kenya → Light for the world Kenya, TBA

Uganda → Light for the world Uganda, TBA

There is a potential plan in discussion for a collaborative introduction event, where all three countries involved in the English-speaking community can get together specifically to introduce EnableMe and their aspirations and focal points for the community.