Name | Description, Keywords | Type | Illustration |
education | education in general, including study, school, etc. | topic | education/study |
employee | job-application, work with disability | topic | |
employers | reasons to hire pwd, inclusion | topic | |
exemplary companies | companies, that hire pwd | topic | |
job | integration, work as the part of life | topic | |
school | inlcusion, encouragement of special abilities | topic | |
study | aids for students with disability, | topic | |
teaching-education | career choice, work as adolescent | topic | |
children-adolescents | children and adolescents with disabilites | topic | |
family | family member with disability | topic | |
relationships | challenges of a relationship, opportunities to find a partner | topic | |
sexuality | sexualassistance | topic | |
ageing | challenges for old people | topic | |
amputation | reasons for an amputation, life after an amputation | topic | |
anti-depressants | importance and effect | topic | |
assistive-technology | financial aspect of aids | topic | |
auxiliary-ressources | material and immaterial aids in daily life | topic | |
caretaking | caretaking at home or in a retirement home, financial aspect, services | topic | |
nutrition | different diets, importance of nutrition | topic | |
prostheses | life with a prostheses | topic | |
suicide | warning singnals, act in time | topic | |
therapy | rehabilitation, different types | topic | |
ticks | general informations about ticks | topic | |
wound-care | general informations about wounds and care | topic | |
disability-insurance | insurance compensation, need to know | topic | |
inclusion | human right, part of society | topic | |
law | disability rights convention, equal opportunities for pwd | topic | |
social | social life | topic | |
leisure | different offers for leisure | topic | |
mobility | different ways for mobility | topic | |
sports | different types of sports | topic | |
travel | good to know about travelling abroad, information about accessibility | topic | |
travel-sbb | information about travelling with the swiss railway service | topic | |
accessibility | accessibility in the daily life | topic | |
assistance | assistant, assistance dog | topic | |
building-barrier-free | informations about accessibility in buildings | topic | |
living | accessibility, different ways of types of living | topic | |
autism | aspergers syndrome, special abilities | ||
burnout | cause, symptoms, prevention | ||
dementia-alzheimers | life with dementia, treatment | ||
trisomy-21 | down-syndrome, life with trisomy 21 | ||
williams-syndrome | |||
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